terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2007

Epson's high-end HTIB: the Ensemble Home Cinema System


Home cinema newbies can collectively rejoice, as even Epson has stepped up to the plate and is offering a high-end HTIB of its own.

The Ensemble Home Cinema System provides 'everything' (even patience?) you need to turn your den into a theater worth being proud of, and includes your choice of a 1080p or 720p Epson projector, 100-inch motorized screen, a 5.1 Atlantic Technology surround system, ten-inch subwoofer with built-in amplifier, AV controller with twin HDMI inputs and an upconverting DVD player, and a pre-programmed universal remote that takes the fun frustration out of establishing a one-button setup.

Interestingly, Epson claims that the entire installation can be completed in a mere four hours, so if you're inches away from tearing your hair (or walls) out, simmer down and hand over your $4,999 (720p) to $6,999 (1080p) to handle HT the easy way.

Um comentário:

khriska disse...

ummmmm deve ser interesant,num terminei meu curso d ingl'is...
kbçao!!!vc eh "uns nerd's"!!!
muitoOoO boa...rsrsrs n minha zona tbm qro ler, portug's ae mermao!!!